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LncRNA MiRNA Gene Gene name Pathway Name Description Title Disease/Tissue Journal PubMed ID
MEG3 miR-19a PTEN PTEN;10q23del;BZS;CWS1;DEC;GLM2;MHAM;MMAC1;PTEN1;TEP1 details
p53 signaling pathway;Inositol phosphate metabolism;Prostate cancer;Phosphatidylinositol signaling system;mTOR signaling pathway;PI3K-Akt signaling pathway;Focal adhesion;Tight junction;Hepatitis B;Pathways in cancer;Melanoma;Endometrial cancer;Glioma;Small cell lung cancer
As expected, luciferase results verified the putative target site and also revealed the complementary binding between miR-19a and MEG3. miR-19a represses the expression of PTEN and promotes glioma cell proliferation, migration, and invasion
Long Noncoding RNA MEG3 Suppresses Glioma Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion By Acting As Competing Endogenous RNA of MiR-19a
Glioma Oncol Res 28276316