1. Introduction

FastD is a comprehensive tool to detect insecticide resistance-associated nucleic acids changes from next-generation sequencing data. There are two web services, FastD_TR and FastD_MR , which were developed to detect two kind of nucleic acids changes associated with insecticide resistance. For some personal confidential data to be tested, the stand-alone software were also available and can be operated on Linux and Windows system.

2. Prerequisites

2.1 Third-party software packages for FastD.

- R (version 3.4.0 or later versions) and R packages (ggplot2, ggseqlogo and DESeq2)
- Python (version 2.6 or later versions)
- Bowtie2 (version 2.2.9 or later version)

2.2 Unpack FastD

$ tar -xzvf FastD_v1.0_linux.tar.gz
$ cd FastD_v1.0_linux

3. Running FastD

Usage: FastD_TR

FastD_TR.pl  [options]*  -s [species]  -r [targets]  -i [input]  

-s/--species The name of Species you want to detect,connection name with "_". Such as,use "Plutella_xylostella" instead of "Plutella xylostella".
-r/--target Mutations in four insecticide targets were collected. Resistance to a insecticide may be associated with mutations in its target. Before running the software, please choose appropriate target.
-i/--input The alignment sam file generated by aligning RNA-Seq data to target gene.

-r/--target Full target name Pesticides
AChE Acetylcholinesterase Carbamates, Organophosphates
VGSC Voltage-gated sodium channel Pyrethroids, DDT
RyR Ryanodine receptor Diamides
nAChR Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor Neonicotinoids, Spinosyns

-o/--out The prefix for the output data.
-v/--version Print version information and quit.
-h/--help print this usage message.


perl  FastD_TR.pl  -s  Plutella_xylostella  -r  RyR  VGSC  nAChR  AChE  -i  *.sam  -o  *

The raw reads in RNA-Seq data are used to map with target gene sequences using bowtie2. The result sam file was submitted as input data.


The FastD_TR result including the mutations in targets and their frequency.
The codons in reads corresponding each mutation site is listed in the *.txt file.
The figure display the amino acid changes in all potential mutation sites.

Usage: FastD_MR

FastD_MR.pl  -s [species]  -e [enzyme]  -1 [input1]  -2 [input2]  

-s/--species The name of Species you want to detect,connection name with "_". Such as,use "Plutella_xylostella" instead of "Plutella xylostella".
-e/--enzyme The overexpression of detoxifying enzyme genes may be associated with insecticide resistance.To detected resistance, you should first choose specific enzymes.
-1 The input alignment files of sensitive samples.
-2 The input alignment files of resistant samples.

-o/--out The prefix for the output data.
-v/--version Print version information and quit.
-h/--help print this usage message.


perl  FastD_MR.pl  -s  Plutella_xylostella  -e  P450 GST CCE -1  sensitive_1.sam  sensitive_2.sam  sensitive_3.sam  -2  resistant_1.sam  resistant_2.sam  resistant_3.sam  -o  result

The raw reads in RNA-Seq data are used to map to specific detoxifying enzyme genes of selected species using bowtie2. The result sam files was submitted as input data.


The result of FastD_MR lists the detoxifying enzyme genes which are selected to be the potential resistance causal genes.

Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. Designed by Li F.Lab.
Technique Group: Longfei Chen(chenlf1993@foxmail.com) and Kun Lang(langkun1994@foxmail.com), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.