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Data -> Dendroctonus ponderosae

Organism Dendroctonus ponderosae
Lineage ;
Resource [Genomic]   [GFF3]   [mRNA]   [Protein]
Data source Ensembl
Publication Keeling, C. I. et al. Draft genome of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, a major forest pest. Genome biology 14, R27, doi:10.1186/gb-2013-14-3-r27 (2013).  [PDF]
Organism strain
Assembly Ensembl release22
Genomic Size 246 Mb
GC content 35.9%
Number of scaffolds 8,188
Scaffold N50 628,733
Number of contigs 40,744
Contig N50 10,101
Gene Set Ensembl release22
Gene 13,456
Protein 13,459
BioSample SAMN01121786
Submitter BC Cancer Agency, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
Assembly level Scaffold
GenBank assembly accession GCA_000346045.2
RefSeq assembly accession n/a
WGS Project APGL01
Assembly method ABySS v. 1.3.0
Sequencing technology Illumina HiSeq
Transcriptome 1
Tissue antenna
Year 2012
Platform Roche 454
Raw reads 1,125,738
Data accession SRP011990
Assemble software Newbler
Contigs 14,357
Annotated 10,311
Reference Keeling C I, Henderson H, Li M, et al. Transcriptome and full-length cDNA resources for the mountain pine beetle,< i> Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, a major insect pest of pine forests[J]. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 2012, 42(8): 525-
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Transcriptome 2
Tissue midgut and fat body tissues from juvenile hormone-treated adult
Year 2012
Platform Roche 454
Raw reads 964,388
Data accession SRP011990
Assemble software Newbler
Contigs 11,002
Annotated 7,944
Reference Keeling C I, Henderson H, Li M, et al. Transcriptome and full-length cDNA resources for the mountain pine beetle,< i> Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, a major insect pest of pine forests[J]. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 2012, 42(8): 525-
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Transcriptome 3
Tissue adults; pupae; larvae; antennae; midguts; fat bodies; head
Raw reads
Data accession SRR449538 SRR449539 SRR449540 SRR449542 SRR449543 SRR449544 SRR449545 SRR449546 SRR449547
Assemble software Newbler 2.5
Contigs 20,540
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