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Data -> Musca domestica

Organism Musca domestica
Lineage ;
Resource [Genomic]   [GFF3]   [mRNA]   [Protein]
Data source NCBI
Publication Scott, J. G. et al. Genome of the house fly, Musca domestica L., a global vector of diseases with adaptations to a septic environment. Genome biology 15, 466, doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0466-3 (2014).  [PDF]
Organism strain "aabys"
Genomic Size 728 Mb
GC content 38.35%
Number of scaffolds 20,487
Scaffold N50 226,573
Number of contigs 104,054
Contig N50 11,807
Gene Set
Gene 20,165
Protein 19,549
BioSample SAMN02953849
Submitter Glossina Genomes Consortium
Assembly level Scaffold
GenBank assembly accession GCA_000371365.1
RefSeq assembly accession GCF_000371365.1
WGS Project AQPM01
Assembly method AllPathsLG v. September 2012
Sequencing technology Illumina
Transcriptome 1
Tissue all development stages whole body
Raw reads
Data accession SRR1045112
Assemble software Trinity 2011
Contigs 46,167
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