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Data -> Oncopeltus fasciatus

Organism Oncopeltus fasciatus
Lineage ;
Resource [Genomic]  
Data source NCBI
Organism strain
Genomic Size 1,126 Mb
GC content 38.62%
Number of scaffolds 17,222
Scaffold N50 339,960
Number of contigs 323,303
Contig N50 4,047
Gene Set
BioSample SAMN02645558
Submitter BCM-HGSC i5k Pilot
Assembly level Scaffold
GenBank assembly accession GCA_000696205.1
RefSeq assembly accession n/a
WGS Project JHQO01
Assembly method AllPaths LG v. 44620; Atlas Link v. 1.0; Atlas GapFill v. 2.2
Sequencing technology Illumina
Transcriptome 1
Tissue embryos
Year 2011
Platform Roche 454
Raw reads 71,911
Data accession SRR057571
Assemble software Newbler
Contigs 2,598
Annotated 969
Reference Vera J C, Wheat C W, Fescemyer H W, et al. Rapid transcriptome characterization for a nonmodel organism using 454 pyrosequencing[J]. Molecular ecology, 2008, 17(7): 1636-1647.
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Transcriptome 2
Tissue ovary
Year 2011
Platform Roche 454
Raw reads 65,394
Data accession SRR057570
Assemble software Newbler
Contigs 2,266
Annotated 904
Reference Vera J C, Wheat C W, Fescemyer H W, et al. Rapid transcriptome characterization for a nonmodel organism using 454 pyrosequencing[J]. Molecular ecology, 2008, 17(7): 1636-1647.
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