Spodoptera exigua (beet armyworm)

Basic information


The beet armyworm or small mottled willow moth (Spodoptera exigua) is one of the best-known agricultural pest insects. It is also known as the asparagus fern caterpillar. It is native to Asia, but has been introduced worldwide and is now found almost anywhere its many host crops are grown. The voracious larvae are the main culprits. In the British Isles, where it is an introduced species and not known to breed, the adult moth is known as the small mottled willow moth.


Sex chromosome system:  ZW

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Sex chr Genes

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Data download

# Sex chromosome ( From NCBI:GCA_011316535.1 )

Chromosome Z
Data Type Download
Sex chromosome sequence Chromosome_Z
Sex chromosome annotation Annotation_Z
Sex chromosome protein Protein_Z
Sex chromosome CDS CDS_Z

Chromosome W
Data Type Download
Sex chromosome sequence Chromosome_W
Sex chromosome annotation Annotation_W
Sex chromosome protein Protein_W
Sex chromosome CDS CDS_W

# Sex chromosome ncRNA ( From infernal )

Position Download

# Sex chromosome Repeat

Position GFF Tbl
Z Repeat Gff Repeat tbl
W Repeat Gff Repeat tbl