Drosophila simulans (fly)

Basic information


Drosophila simulans is a species of fly closely related to Drosophila melanogaster, belonging to the same melanogaster species subgroup. Its closest relatives are Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila sechellia. It can be crossed with Drosophila melanogaster and produce sterile hybrids.


Sex chromosome system:  XY

JBrowse     JBrowse >>

Sex chr Genes

2158 sex chromosome genes     Sex Chr Genes List >>

Sex biased Genes

1213 sex biased genes     Sex-Biased Genes List >>

Data download

# Sex chromosome ( From NCBI:GCA_004382185.1 )

Chromosome X
Data Type Download
Sex chromosome sequence Chromosome_X
Sex chromosome annotation Annotation_X
Sex chromosome protein Protein_X
Sex chromosome CDS CDS_X

# Sex chromosome ncRNA ( From infernal )

Position Download

# Sex chromosome Repeat

Position GFF Tbl
X Repeat Gff Repeat tbl

# Sex-Biased Gene

Sample CDS Protein Annotation
whole body CDS Protein Male_gff Female_gff
Carcass minus reproductive tract CDS Protein Male_gff Female_gff