Danaus plexippus (monarch butterfly)

Basic information


The monarch butterfly or simply monarch (Danaus plexippus) is a milkweed butterfly (subfamily Danainae) in the family Nymphalidae. Other common names depending on region include milkweed, common tiger, wanderer, and black veined brown. It may be the most familiar North American butterfly, and is considered an iconic pollinator species. Its wings feature an easily recognizable black, orange, and white pattern, with a wingspan of 8.9–10.2 cm. The eastern North American monarch population is notable for its annual southward late-summer/autumn migration from the northern and central United States and southern Canada to Florida and Mexico.[4] During the fall migration, monarchs cover thousands of miles, with a corresponding multi-generational return north.


Sex chromosome system:  ZW

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Sex chr Genes

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Sex biased Genes

103 sex biased genes     Sex-Biased Genes List >>

Data download

# Sex chromosome ( From NCBI:GCA_009731565.1 )

Chromosome Z
Data Type Download
Sex chromosome sequence Chromosome_Z
Sex chromosome annotation Annotation_Z
Sex chromosome protein Protein_Z
Sex chromosome CDS CDS_Z

# Sex chromosome ncRNA ( From infernal )

Position Download

# Sex chromosome Repeat

Position GFF Tbl
Z Repeat Gff Repeat tbl

# Sex-Biased Gene

Sample CDS Protein Annotation
head CDS Protein Male_gff Female_gff