Insect Sex Chromosome and Sex-Biased Genes Database intends to provide a
comprehensive platform of all
available insect genomes at chromosome level with specific gene annotation.
The database
encompasses 49 insect species with 122,281 sex chromosome genes and 41,225 sex-biased genes.
User can use species tree to get a general overview of the database, including species information and their evolutionary relationships.
Clicking on the species name will access to the species information page.
Clicking on the species name will access to the species information page. In the (1) basic information section, users can get the basic description of the insect and links to Wikipedia and NCBI. JBrowse button can access to the (2) JBrowse page. The numbers of (3, 4) sex chromosome genes and sex-biased genes are also presented. In the (5, 6) data download section, users can download the sex chromosome sequences, annotations, protein sequences, CDS information, and gene and protein sequences for sex-biased genes.
Clicking on the Chr Gene List under the Sex Chromosome Genes section to access the Sex Chromosome Genes page. Clicking on (1) Species name can return to the species page. The page includes the (3) gene names, (4) brief descriptions of genes and (5) sex chromosome locations. User can also quickly find the target gene by (2) searching the gene name or gene description.
Clicking on the Sex-Biased Gene List will access to the Sex Biased genes page. User can choose to view the Sex-Biased genes by males and females. The data can also be filtered by selecting the setting parameter of the biased type, tissue type and the range of log2foldchange and padj.
The Sex Chrs page displays (3) sex chromosome sequence and annotations for each (2) species. User can download the sex chrsomosome sequences and annotations.
The Sex Chr Genes page allows user browsing of genes on the X, Y, Z and W chromosomes.
Clicking on the gene name, user can also perform a quick search for genes by selecting the species type, gene name and gene description. (2)
The Sex Chr ncRNA page shows numbers of different ncRNA of each species, and can easily download ncRNA file.
The Sex Chr Repeat page allows user download repeat file of each species.
Clicking on the Sex-Biased gene column will access to the Sex Biased genes page.
Clicking on the gene name under Gene Symbol column on Sex-Biased gene page.
In this page, users can use JBrowse to browse genes in genome.
Select the blast program ( blastn, blastp, tblastn, blastx. default: blastn )
Select evlaue ( 1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1, 1. default: 1e-5 )
Use our example sequence to blast. (3)
Access to the species page.
Download sex chromosome sequence and annotation.
Download sex chromosome ncRNA file.
Download sex chromosome repeat gff and repeat tbl.
Download CDS, protein, annotation of sex-biased genes.